Tall Emu | The best bespoke software development and programming company for Australian businesses

Autoresponder - Create and Manage

Begin sending automated messages.

New subscribers require special attention. They're eager to hear from you, but they don't know your company as well as established subscribers do. Build profitable relationships with them using a sequence of automatically delivered follow up emails.

  • Welcome new subscribers, then drive them back to your website
  • Answer questions, deliver downloads and provide product information
  • Flexible, workflow driven - all part of CRM
  • Build subscriber trust and confidence
  • No manual sending needed
  • No manual downloading and uploading of lists
  • Personalize emails with subscribers' names and other information

Track and Manage all in CRM

  • Create a custom webform to capture the initial data
  • Use the HTML editor to create your templates
  • Using the drag and drop workflow designer, schedule when your follow up emails are sent
  • You can even update what emails get sent based on business rules


        Who we've worked with

        Commonwealth Bank - Commonwealth BankCochlear - CochlearLeisure Inn - Leisure InnMTP - MTPPeer Support - Peer SupportFirst Folio - First FolioThree Messaging - Three MessagingThe Prospect Shop - The Prospect Shop

        What we've integrated with

        Paypal, Eparcel, MYOB, SMS, Shopping Cart, Vada, Google Analytics/Adwords, CRM's, Westpac, ANZ, CommBank, Eway, WorldPay

        Our Technical Skills

        Languages, Layouts & Scripting

        Delphi, PHP, C#, Visual Basic (VB), ASP.NET, Web Services/SOAP, Javascript, HTML/DHTML, XML/XSL


        Access, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server